
CREC NYC / Tri-State – Happy Hour

On July 18th, 2023, CREC NYC/Tri-State Chapter held its first post-COVID Happy Hour on the beautiful rooftop terrace of 1180 Sixth Avenue. The event was a huge success with over 80 attendees, ranging from professionals representing a wide range of companies to students who are interning in NYC. CREC provided snacks and an open bar for old friends to catch up and new connections to be made, all who share the common interests of Cornell and Real Estate.

The event was planned and hosted by Regional Chapter leaders Kris Olsen ’10 (Angelo Gordon) and Russell Sesler ’16 (GCP). The venue was donated by Northwood thanks to CREC Board Member Jen Davis ’12 (Northwood), and another big thanks to CREC National for sponsoring the food and drinks. We have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from alumni and students in the New York City region area. If you have any ideas for future events or would like to help support the CREC NYC/Tri-State Chapter, please contact Kris Olsen at kolsen@angelogordon.com or Russell Sesler at rsesler@gcp.com.

Not a member of CREC yet and want to learn more about upcoming events and opportunities? Join over 3,000 Cornellians in Real Estate, now, for free! Questions? Contact info@cornellrec.org.