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400 New Members and Counting

The Cornell Real Estate Council (CREC) Leadership Team would like to announce that we’ve reached our goal of attracting 400 registered members by the end of 2017. This goal was reached on December 11th, a full 20 days before the end of the year!  The Leadership Team would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all who have registered, many of whom have also encouraged others to become members by sharing sign-up instructions and links to the CREC website (www.cornellrec.org) with friends via personal networks and social media. A special thank you to Lynn Gray, whose tireless efforts to promote the CREC site with her vast network was key to helping CREC to reach our year end goal.

While we celebrate our first 400 registered members, this is not the end but just the beginning. The Cornell community counts thousands of us working in or studying real estate, and we invite every Cornellian in real estate to join CREC. Please continue to share the website and invite others to register for the Cornell Real Estate Council.

With our 400 member goal reached. We’re now striving to reach 500 registered members by the end of the year.

One additional element to celebrate is the growing dynamic content on the CREC website. CREC welcomes all members to submit written content for the blog, descriptions of recent projects with which they are involved, upcoming events, and any similar materials. To submit content click here.